Barack Obama: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 3:
[[File: Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg|Right|thumb|200px|La foto üficiäla dal Presidëint Obama.]]
'''Barack Hussein Obama II''' ([[Honolulu]], 4 d’[[agòst|agust]] dal [[1961]]), l'é al presidëint di [[Stat Unî|Stät Ünì d'America]] dal 1 ad [[znêr|ṡnär]] 2009.
'''Barack Hussein Obama II''' will never be president again. In fact, he will never be anything famous. He will be puked on by a giant opra singing pile of feces and become dirtier than he thinks. He's a bust, really! Bow before 2045 and win the legendary Zygarde.