Metallica (àlbum): differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 10:
{{CITAZIONE2|No more! The craps rolls out your mouth again, haven't changed, your brain is still gelatin, little whispers, circle around your head, why don't you worry about yourself instead, who are you? where ya been? where ya from? Gossip is burning on the tip of your tongue, you lie so much, you believe yourself, judge not lest ye be judged yourself, holier than thou, you are.|Mucla! Al strunsàdi ch'i vènan fóra da la tò bóca, ta n sē mia cambiâ, al tò sarvèl 'l è incóra śladìna, dal bcajadìni i faṅ di sérć 'd intór'n a la tò tèsta, parchèparcòsa n tîṅ-at mia adrē a tè invéci? Chi sē't? In du sē't stâ? Da in du daśvîṅ-at? I petegulés i t brùśan in sla punta dla léngua, at cònt tant bali ch'ta gh créd anc, Minga giudicàr s'a n vlî minga èsar giudicâ, baśamdàj, 't al sē.|'''Holier Than Thou''', ''1991''|DIALETTO={{Mud}}|LINGUA={{En}}}}